Newly Diagnosed with Life-Threatening Allergies? A Comprehensive Guide for Moms

July 19, 2023
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Cambridge, MA, July 19, 2023 - The medical community is witnessing a significant uptick in the diagnosis of life-threatening allergies among children, leaving parents, particularly moms, grappling with fear and uncertainty. If you've just received the news that your child has a severe allergy, the first thing to know is that you are not alone.

Matt, the founder of AlleRx, an online platform specializing in allergy care, opens up about the pressing need for awareness and education. Matt himself lives with multiple food allergies and aims to guide parents through this new, seemingly overwhelming experience.

Understanding Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis, a term that will soon be a staple in the vocabulary of affected families, is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It is essential to recognize its symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, hives, or a sudden drop in blood pressure, to act swiftly and efficiently.

A Seven-Step Survival Guide for Moms

1. Embrace Education

"Knowledge is your most potent weapon," says Matt. Parents should seek consultations with healthcare providers specializing in allergies to understand the condition better. Platforms like AlleRx offer 24/7 expert support to navigate through the diagnosis and subsequent management.

2. Equip With Epinephrine

Auto-injectors containing epinephrine are life-savers in an emergency, and having one within reach at all times is crucial.

3. Master Label-Reading

Allergens often lurk in unexpected places. Learning to read food labels or inquire about restaurant ingredients is a skill that could save lives.

4. Open Communication Lines

Inform teachers, caregivers, and your extended family about the allergy. Awareness can prevent accidental exposure.

5. Create an Action Plan

Prepare a plan outlining the steps to take during an allergic reaction. Distribute this plan among schools and caregivers for quick reference.

6. Teach Self-Advocacy

"As your children grow, teaching them to be their advocates is invaluable," Matt highlights. Kids should know what they are allergic to, foods to avoid, and what actions to take during an emergency.

7. Self-Care is Key

Moms should also remember to look after themselves. Parenting a child with a life-threatening condition can be emotionally draining. Support groups and professional counseling are available and can offer immense relief.


While a diagnosis of a life-threatening allergy can be overwhelming, proper education and planning can equip families to manage the condition effectively. Matt and the AlleRx team are dedicated to offering a range of services tailored to support families through every stage of their allergy journey.

For more information and support, visit AlleRx.

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