Honoring Órla Baxendale: A Heartfelt Message from AlleRx

February 2, 2024
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Dear AlleRx Community,

The recent loss of Órla Baxendale, a young life taken too soon by a food allergy reaction, weighs heavily on our hearts. Though we didn't know Órla personally, her story resonates with each of us. As parents and individuals living with food allergies, we understand the constant vigilance it requires and the deep-seated fear of the unthinkable happening.

This tragedy reminds us of a harsh truth – that even with the utmost caution, mistakes happen. Mistakes that should be preventable. Mistakes that shake the little trust we manage to place in the world around us. We've all been there, trusting family, friends, food producers, and schools, only to have that trust broken. It's a daily challenge, a balancing act of hope and caution.

Our thoughts are with Órla's family and all who have experienced such heartbreaking loss. It's a stark reminder of the unfair realities of living with food allergies. These are not just statistics; they are loved ones, friends, people with dreams and futures. They deserved more – safety, understanding, a chance to live their lives fully.

In these moments, we stand together as a community. If you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or just need someone to talk with who understands, please know that I am here with you. It's through connection and support that we find strength.

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We're committed to making a difference at AlleRx, not just in providing treatments, but in being a source of comfort and understanding. Together, we can advocate for change, raise awareness, and support each other through every challenge.

In empathy and solidarity,

Matt Bomes
Co-Founder, AlleRx

P.S. Your voice matters. Please feel free to reach out with your thoughts or for a conversation at support@myallerx.com. You're not alone in this.

To learn more about Órla Baxendale's life and contribute to the "Celebration of Life Fundraiser", please visit: https://everloved.com/life-of/orla-baxendale/obituary/

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