Your new allergy treatment partner

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
Try an easier approach to treating food & environmental allergies with tiny drops under the tongue and 24/7 expert support — starting from $99/month.
Get started
Board-Certified Allergists
Personalized treatment plan
Prescribed online & delivered to you

How AlleRx works

Fill out our online medical intake, which will be reviewed by a Board-Certified Allergist in less than 24 hours.

If eligible, the allergist will write a prescription for treatment that will be delivered directly to your home from our precision compounding pharmacy.

Begin daily dosing under the supervision of AlleRx doctors and specialists through telemedicine (virtual visits).

What is Sublingual Immunotherapy?

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) is a convenient treatment for food and environmental allergies, using small doses of allergens placed under the tongue.

Through regular and increasing doses, SLIT aims to make the immune system less reactive to specific allergens, reducing allergic reactions.

For those with food allergies, SLIT can help reduce risks linked to accidental exposures, offering a proactive way to manage allergies.

Proven effectiveness

In a recent clinical study, impressively, nearly 80% of children could tolerate 15 peanuts post-treatment without allergic reactions when treated with Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT). [Read]

Lasting protection

Notably, more than 60% of children maintained their increased tolerance for three months post-SLIT treatment, emphasizing its potential for long-term protection against accidental exposures. [Read]

“It has been a very easy process so far. The doses are quick and easy to administer. It fits very easily into a 14 year old’s schedule. Matt is always reaching out and checking in.”

Amy Madden

Allergy Mom, Pennsylvania

Backed by experts

Medical Advisory Board

Meet the allergists and pediatricians who help guide our approach to make sure our products and services are evidence-based, safe and effective.

Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, MS

S. Jean Emans Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School & Director, Clinical Research Center, Boston Children's Hospital

Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH 🥜

Founding Director, Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research (CFAAR) at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, & Food Allergy Mom

Shelly Flais, MD, FAAP 🥜

Pediatrician, Parenting Book Author, Media Spokesperson, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) & Food Allergy Mom

Get started in minutes

With an initial investment of $200, you will lock-in Priority Access pricing at $99/month, which is credited towards the first two (2) months of your treatment program. If you're ineligible for treatment, or you choose to opt-out, you'll get your money back. No questions asked.

AlleRx also eliminates the Hassle Tax.

There’s no more long drives to the clinic, sitting in traffic jams, planning for rest periods, taking time off from work, missing days of school, etc… The benefits of AlleRx go beyond price.

Frequently asked questions

What is AlleRx?

AlleRx is a virtual health company on a mission to empower people with food allergies by making high-quality treatment convenient and accessible. Our platform connects patients to licensed healthcare professionals in all 50 states. We specialize in food and environmental allergy treatment and offer support for related conditions.

Who are the providers at AlleRx?

The team of licensed providers we work with is made up of board-certified allergists, nurse practitioners, dermatologists, and pharmacists. They're licensed in 50 states and DC, and offer safe, high-quality, evidence-based treatment and care.

Does AlleRx require insurance?

Nope! AlleRx doesn't require insurance. We offer transparent pricing on treatments and your medical visit, ongoing shipments, and provider messaging are all included in one low price. Visit our pricing page for more details.

What states is AlleRx available in?

AlleRx is currently available in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Minnesota, Louisiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Washington D.C.

What is Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?

Sublingual Immunotherapy, or SLIT allergy drops, is a proven allergy treatment that gently accustoms your body to allergens, aiming to reduce allergic reactions over time. Here’s why SLIT is a game-changer in food allergy care:

Proven Safety and Efficacy: SLIT is backed by rigorous research, including
a notable study from the UNC School of Medicine. This approach is shown to be both effective and safer compared to traditional Oral Immunotherapy (OIT), with a preferable safety profile that prioritizes your well-being.

Gradual Tolerance Building: By introducing small, increasing amounts of allergen in liquid form under the tongue, SLIT helps your immune system gradually build tolerance, lessening the severity of allergic reactions.

Fit to Your Lifestyle: AlleRx’s SLIT program is designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine. With the convenience of at-home administration, it eliminates the need for frequent clinic visits, saving you time and reducing stress. Our approach is tailored to adapt to your individual lifestyle, ensuring that managing your food allergies doesn’t disrupt your everyday activities. This means you can continue living life to the fullest, with the confidence that you’re proactively addressing your food allergies.

Your decision to choose AlleRx’s SLIT program is a big step towards a more comfortable and manageable life beyond fear of reaction.

How does Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) work?

Let’s explore how our SLIT treatment works, in a way that’s easy to understand and share with your kids. Imagine your immune system is like a student in a very special school. The lessons? Learning to be cool and calm around allergens. Here’s the simple breakdown:

Special Teachers for the Immune System: Under your tongue, there are unique cells, like special teachers, called oral Langerhans cells. Their job? To teach your immune system to stay calm and not overreact to allergens.

Regular Lessons: Just like school, regular attendance is key. With SLIT, your immune system gets daily lessons in the form of small allergen doses. This consistent learning helps your immune system gradually get used to allergens.

Building Tolerance: Think of each SLIT dose as a textbook page. Over time, as your immune system studies these pages, it starts understanding that peanuts aren’t a threat. This learning process is what builds tolerance.

Homework and Tests: In the world of SLIT, there are no pop quizzes or scary exams. Instead, your immune system does its homework every day with each dose, slowly getting smarter about handling allergens without freaking out.

Graduation: With time and patience, your immune system graduates from this special school. It’s now much more tolerant and less likely to cause a big fuss when it meets food allergens. This means fewer worries for you and more freedom to enjoy life.

Remember, just like any school, progress can vary. Some immune systems learn quickly, while others need more time. But that’s okay! We’re here to guide you through this journey, making it as smooth and stress-free as possible. Now, let’s learn
how to use your SLIT allergy drops for the best results.

How do I take my SLIT allergy drops?

Prime the Bottle: before using it for the first time, give the bottle a few gentle shakes and prime the pump by pressing it a few times until you see a drop. This ensures you’re getting the right amount with each dose.

Release the Drop: Now, it’s showtime! Tilt your head back slightly and life your tongue. Press the pump fully to release one drop of the allergy solution directly under your tongue. You’ll notice a slightly sweet taste - that’s your dose!

Hold, then Swallow: Keep your tongue lifted and let the drop sit there for 2 minutes. This gives the special cells under your tongue time to notice and pick up the allergens. Try not to swallow immediately - though a bit of swallowing is okay, especially for the little ones.

Aftercare: Once the 2 minutes are up, go ahead and swallow. Remember, no eating or drinking for 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after taking your dose. This ensures the treatment works as effectively as possible. Caregivers are required to monitor patients for two (2) hours after dosing and document any and all symptoms and report them to their physician, as well as timing of symptoms relative to dosing.

*AlleRx discourages dosing while febrile or actively ill, and intense exercise for two (2) hours leading up to and following the dose.

What are the possible side effects of SLIT?

At AlleRx, we prioritize the safety and comfort of our community while managing food allergies. Understanding the common side effects of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is crucial. Here’s a friendly guide:

Common Side Effects of SLIT

Mild Oral Sensations:
It’s common to experience mild tingling, warmth, or itching in the mouth. Think of these sensations as signs that the treatment is interacting with your immune system. These symptoms are usually mild and tend to disappear within a few minutes of taking the dose. Over time, as your body adjusts, these sensations typically reduce or stop altogether.

Eczema Flares: For those with a history of eczema, SLIT may initially contribute to mid eczema flares, especially during the early stages of treatment or when increasing the dose. However, many find that SLIT helps control eczema symptoms more effectively in the long run.

Other Allergic Reactions: While rare, some individuals might experience mild allergic reactions like sneezing, increased mucus production, nasal congestion, mild asthma symptoms, hives, or stomach ache. These are not common and are generally mild when they do occur.

*If you think you or your child may be experiencing a severe allergic reaction, give epinephrine and call 911 immediately. Instructions are below in the safety protocol.

What to expect after taking a dose of SLIT?

Initial Adjustment Period: When starting SLIT or after a dose increase, you might notice the above mild reactions. This is part of the adjustment period as your body gets used to the new levels of exposure.

Gradual Comfort: Over time, as your body adapts to the treatment, these initial reactions should decrease, making the experience more comfortable.

Continued Monitoring: We encourage regular check-ins with our AlleRx care team. If you notice any persistent or concerning symptoms, it’s important to inform us so we can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

Is SLIT safe and effective?

Safety First: SLIT is considered a safe treatment option, especially when managed by qualified professionals. Anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions are extremely rare with SLIT.

Effective Approach: Regular use of SLIT as directed is key to effectively building tolerance to allergens and reducing the severity of allergic reactions over time.

Remember, each individual’s experience with SLIT can vary. Our team at AlleRx is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a personalized and comfortable journey in managing food allergies. If you have any concerns or questions about your treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your peace of mind and well-being are our top priorities!

How long is treatment?

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT allergy drops), as offered by AlleRx, is indeed a long-term therapeutic approach designed for managing food allergies. Unlike Oral Immunotherapy (OIT), SLIT presents a smoother, safer, and more convenient option for individuals seeking relief from food allergies.

Long-term Therapy Nature: Both SLIT and OIT are long-term therapies, but they differ significantly in their approach and impact on patients and caregivers. While OIT might promise a faster buildup of tolerance to allergens, it comes with higher risks, including the potential for severe allergic reactions. Moreover, the process of OIT can be stressful and inconvenient, requiring frequent clinic visits and close monitoring for adverse reactions.

Challenges with OIT: One of the significant challenges with OIT is maintenance dosing. Many patients achieve a maintenance level but struggle to adhere to the dosing regimen due to dosing fatigue, food aversions (dislike of taste, texture, or smell), or anxiety related to the food allergen. These challenges are particularly acute during adolescence, the teen years, and college, where changes in lifestyle and preferences can make adherence even more difficult. The need to mask maintenance doses in food items, as frequently discussed in support groups, highlights the inconvenience and stress associated with OIT maintenance.

Advantages of SLIT: In contrast, SLIT offers a gentler, safer alternative. The therapy involves placing a few drops of the allergen extract under the tongue, where it's absorbed by the mucous membranes. This method significantly reduces the risk of systemic allergic reactions compared to OIT. SLIT's at-home administration offers unparalleled convenience, eliminating the need for frequent clinic visits and reducing the burden on patients and caregivers. SLIT's format also avoids the issue of food aversion or dosing fatigue. The drops are easy to take, with no taste, texture, or smell of the allergen to cause aversion or anxiety. This simplicity and ease of use contribute to higher adherence rates and a more positive treatment experience over the long term.

Building and Sustaining Protection: SLIT works by gradually increasing the body's tolerance to allergens, building long-term protection against accidental exposure. This process is safer and more manageable, offering a sustainable path to managing food allergies without the stress and inconvenience associated with OIT. While SLIT requires patience and commitment, its benefits in terms of safety, convenience, and the potential for a better quality of life make it an attractive option for many families.

In summary, SLIT represents a forward-thinking approach to allergy management, aligning with the needs and lifestyles of modern families seeking effective, long-term solutions.
AlleRx's SLIT program underscores the commitment to providing a safer, more convenient, and patient-friendly alternative to traditional allergy treatments, empowering individuals and families to live fuller, less restricted lives.

Are allergy drops FDA approved?

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) allergy drops, such as those used in AlleRx's treatment program, indeed involve the use of FDA-approved ingredients. These ingredients are the same as those utilized in allergy shots, which are approved and regulated by the FDA for the purpose of immunotherapy. However, the method of delivery via sublingual drops is considered an off-label use, meaning that while the ingredients themselves are FDA-approved, this specific application for treating allergies is not yet formally approved by the FDA.

Safety and Efficacy: It's important to recognize that off-label use of medications and treatments is a common and accepted practice in medical care. This practice allows healthcare providers to use their professional judgment to treat conditions in a manner they deem safe and effective, even if not specifically approved by the FDA for that exact use. Such flexibility is essential for advancing medical care and addressing patient needs more effectively, especially in areas where the formal approval process may not yet have caught up with clinical practice and research.

Rigorous Clinical Research: The use of SLIT allergy drops is backed by
substantial clinical research and is supported by numerous global allergy and immunology societies. These studies and endorsements affirm the safety and effectiveness of SLIT as a method for treating allergies, providing a strong foundation for its use in clinical settings. AlleRx's program leverages this body of evidence, offering a treatment approach that is both innovative and grounded in established scientific research.

Understanding Off-Label Use: The distinction between "FDA-approved" and "off-label use" is crucial for patients to understand. Off-label use is not a marker of inferior quality or efficacy; rather, it reflects the dynamic nature of medical practice, where treatments are adapted and applied based on the latest evidence and professional expertise. It's also a reflection of the regulatory environment, where the process for official approval for new applications of existing treatments can be lengthy and complex.

Patient-Centric Care: AlleRx is committed to patient safety and the highest standards of care. The off-label use of SLIT allergy drops within AlleRx's program is a testament to our commitment to providing effective, personalized allergy treatment options. By choosing AlleRx, you are opting for a treatment plan that is not only innovative but also supported by a deep understanding of allergy care, extensive clinical experience, and a patient-first approach.

In choosing AlleRx for your allergy treatment, you are entrusting your care to a program that prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and the individual needs of each patient. The use of FDA-approved ingredients in an off-label manner is a thoughtful, science-backed approach to overcoming the limitations of current FDA-approved treatments, ensuring that you receive the most advanced and appropriate care for your allergies.