Hey, Allergy Parents: You're Not Alone, and Yes, You Got This!

September 1, 2023
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Hey there, it's Matt, the founder of AlleRx. If you’re a parent dealing with a child’s allergies, you've probably had those moments where you're looking into your little one's eyes, thinking, "Why can't I make this better?". You’ve probably heard variations of, “Don’t worry, kids grow out of it,” or, “Maybe you're just being too cautious.” First things first—You’re not crazy. You’re in the right place. We’re in this together.

That Gut Feeling

Much like Liz, the amazing allergy mom who shared her story, I know something about the torment of uncertainty. Liz knew something wasn't right when breastfeeding wasn't the magical bonding experience she’d read about. She felt unheard, brushed off by medical professionals who assured her that her concerns were nothing more than new-mom jitters. But her gut feeling? It was right. And yours is too.

It's Not "Just a Phase"

Okay, so maybe kids cry. Maybe they throw tantrums about eating broccoli. But when your child starts showing signs of an allergy, that’s different. It's not "just a phase" they’re going through. And yes, it feels like every food, every environmental element is a ticking time bomb. But you’re not alone, and you’re definitely not crazy.

AlleRx: Your Digital Safety Net

Liz shared how she felt like she was 'searching around in the dark for solutions.’ That's precisely the gap we aim to fill with AlleRx. We’re not just about allergy treatment plans; we’re about peace of mind.

  • Stay Organized: Keep track of your child's allergies, medications, and emergency action plans in one place.
  • Empower the Village: Share critical information with teachers, daycare providers, babysitters, and everyone else in your child’s circle. Because, let’s face it, it does take a village!
  • On-Demand Expertise: Consult with experienced allergy specialists through telehealth appointments, all without the added stress of taking time off work or getting your child out of school.

👉 Become an AlleRx Family Today

Take a Deep Breath, You Got This!

Navigating a world full of potential allergens is overwhelming. The worries Liz had about school, about different caregivers, about locked-up Epipens? We get it. We’ve made sure that with AlleRx, you have that essential information right at your fingertips, because anaphylaxis waits for no one.

Our Promise to You

We’re here to assure you, you’re not crazy. You’re in the right place. And most importantly, you’re not alone. So go ahead and live your lives to the fullest, knowing that you have a team of caring adults, both at home and on your phone, who have your back and your child's.

To all the Liz's out there, your strength inspires us every day. Thanks for being part of the AlleRx community, where we all aim to lead fuller, happier lives, beyond the reach of allergies.

Cheers to a brighter, less allergic future,

Matt, Founder of AlleRx

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