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How to take allergy drops?

Prime the Bottle: before using it for the first time, give the bottle a few gentle shakes and prime the pump by pressing it a few times until you see a drop. This ensures you’re getting the right amount with each dose.

‍Release the Drop: Now, it’s showtime! Tilt your head back slightly and life your tongue. Press the pump fully to release one drop of the allergy solution directly under your tongue. You’ll notice a slightly sweet taste - that’s your dose!

‍Hold, then Swallow: Keep your tongue lifted and let the drop sit there for 2 minutes. This gives the special cells under your tongue time to notice and pick up the allergens. Try not to swallow immediately - though a bit of swallowing is okay, especially for the little ones.

‍Aftercare: Once the 2 minutes are up, go ahead and swallow. Remember, no eating or drinking for 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after taking your dose. This ensures the treatment works as effectively as possible. Caregivers are required to monitor patients for two (2) hours after dosing and document any and all symptoms and report them to their physician, as well as timing of symptoms relative to dosing.

‍*AlleRx discourages dosing while febrile or actively ill, and intense exercise for two (2) hours leading up to and following the dose.

How it works


Online assessment

Answer some questions online for a board-certified physician to help assess your child's suitability for SLIT.


Personal treatment, delivered

Your allergy treatment ships to you for free, if prescribed.


Ongoing care

Message our team at any time to ask questions or make adjustments, and we will respond within 24 hours or less.